Small little stuff about me . :)

Life's just a small little journey . Stay strong and be happy :) Laugh , smile and live your life to the fullest.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Woohooo xD

I'm happy=) Haha, I'm LUCKY to have YOU girl :) You're my EVERYTHING... You're my O.A.O. (One and Only) xD A new short form that I've made=)
Haha... Sorry for posting so little these few days cause so damn BUSY studying, Damn weih, I feel so totally NERD-ISH, But I'm not saying studying is no good, but too much of it would kill your brainnn!!!!!!!! don't you guys think so??!! Thats why people never over study, Why nowadays the PARENTS keep forcing their children to study?? I simply don't understand, PARENTS HAVE TO GIVE IN TO THE CHILDREN SOMETIMES TOO!!! Agreed??

Haha, Don't be offended parents out there, chill...=) thats our teenagers way=) haha, chill and let the wind take us where it wants to go=) There's a way for everything, It's your choice to put in effort to make it succeed or not (: Believe me, nothing's impossible (: Except for flying lar xD haha, Don't be stupid by jumping off a 30-storey high building just for putting effort into trying TO FLY xD Don't be too stupid (: But also don't be too smart larhh, Or that'll make you a TOTAL NERD and a TEACHER'S PET!!! Yer, hate it when teacher treats me like a pet ):

Oh ya... I forgot to apologize to all of you for posting so many emo things this few days ): sorry, But I had some probs, And I believe that you readers have probs too (: share it wif me if you want too (: Give me your blog link and I'll see whether I will visit you=)

Erm... Oh ya!!!! I almost forgot my basketballl tournament =) =D haha, wish me luck in it (: I'm going to Hulu Selangor to play basketball :) So damn happy weih (: staying there somemore leh (: so so so so so damn damn damn damn damn FREAKING FREAKING FREAKING FREAKING FREAKING HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!!!! xD But at the same time will miss everyone especially that girl ): Yer.... Nvm la... Still have to go, And remember to support me k?? xD

Finally, I've gotta ask all the readers out there this question... Are the pets on the screen annoying?? Haha, Write to me in the chatbox on the right (: Just say the truth, Cause sometimes truthfullness is hurtful rite?? haha, don't worry I'm won't chop your head off even just for a small bad comment haha, remember to write stuff on the chatbox k?? so long nobody write d, so damn lonely leh=( Haha, Rest early readers :) Goodnite and Sweet Dreams (:


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